Working with ORA Files

Generating ORA Files from PSD


Go to File --> Export As, and simply put in a filename with a .ora extension.

Exporting might take a while, Depending on the size of your images and number of layers.

Some suggestions on organizing your PSD

  • Have a layer named Root as the top layer
  • Lessen layer depth as much as possible, the simpler the organization is the less code will be needed by devs to process the ORA file
  • Make the first part be the default part when items are missing

Working with ORA Files

ORA files are also zip files, making it easy to extract the contents and work with them. Simply change the file extension to .zip and use the file explorer to see the contents of the ORA file.

The stack.xml file contains the metadata for the images, such as pixel offsets and layer names. The data folder contains the actual image data, which is stored as PNG files.

Working with stack.xml

We've found it easier to convert stack.xml to JSON, making it more readable and usable in other scripts. We've provided a drag and drop XMLToJsonConverter (opens in a new tab) below.

Drop stack.xml here

Reference Projects (opens in a new tab)